Well.. I dyed my hair 2 weeks ago, and this time I decided to use a hair-dye product from a well-known Western brand (L'Oreal Paris) for the first time, rather than Asian brands like Japanese or Korean because I suddenly had the urge to dye my hair so I just went to the nearest mini market and bought this L'Oreal Paris Excellence Cream Hair Colour.
They claims this product contains 3 powerful care ingredients to protect our hair..
Pro-keratin (revitalize & strengthens), Ceramide (smoothens & protects), and Collagen (replenishes). And it is very cheap, I bought it for less than $10.
Pro-keratin (revitalize & strengthens), Ceramide (smoothens & protects), and Collagen (replenishes). And it is very cheap, I bought it for less than $10.
Unfortunately there were only 5 different colors available in the mini market, and all of the colors are black and dark brown (almost black, I mean!) with different undertones ughh. But I did not want to go to the larger market or mall because I was on a self-imposed shopping ban at the time, and I could not wait to purchase online, so I picked this one in Chocolate Brown which is the lightest shade that I could find.
From the color chart below, I think my latest hair color looks similiar like the left one. Umm actually it looks slightly darker than my current hair color but it is okay, so I expected my hair to turn out this way.
And it comes with protective pre-color serum, a tube of protective creme colorant, creme developer in a plastic bottle, a plastic comb applicator, a pair of plastic gloves, and protective conditioner.
First.. apply the protective pre-color serum on your hair especially to the ends of your hair, then put on the gloves. Pour the protective creme colorant into the bottle of creme developer, shake it well, put the comb applicator on the bottle and apply it on your hair.
I left it for about 30 minutes on my hair.. Then wash it and apply the protective conditioner for a few minutes before you rinse it.
I left it for about 30 minutes on my hair.. Then wash it and apply the protective conditioner for a few minutes before you rinse it.
To be honest, I was kinda shocked to see my wet hair because it looks way much darker than I expected before omg! o__O
When it dries, as you can see my hair color is dark brown to almost black and I really hate it ughh! But after I took the picture of my hair with flash, I realized something and I ran outside ...
And BAM this is what my hair color looks like under the sunlight omg I was even more shocked, because my hair turned out to be lighter reddish brown!! o__O
Well, it does not look like chocolate brown at all and the result was different from the color chart meh! So yeah my hair looks darker with a minimum room lighting, but my hair looks sooo different outside under the sunlight! And here is the before - after pictures~ Just for your information, I have been using Dariya Palty Hair Dye in Milk Tea Brown before.
And I really love the fact that this product does not dry my hair out, yes I am not lying.. my hair feels so soft and smooth. But it looks uneven because I dyed my hair all by myself lol.
Overall.. I am very satisfied with the great quality of this product, but I think they does not have a lot of pretty light brown colors that I would be interested to try like those hair-dye products from Asian brands, but yeah next time I will try to go to the larger market to find the light brown shade lol. And oh, here is my latest hair color without flash~
So, have you ever tried this hair-dye product? And which shade is your favorite??
Thanks for reading and have a lovely day, girls ^^
See ya~ 

bagus la warna rambutnyaa :D
ReplyDeleteThank you ce, tp ini warnanya jelek bgt kalo didalam ruangan >__<
Deletestujuu sama ci rini bagus laa ak jg di cat gitu, di ruangan gelap tp di liar terang >,<
ReplyDeleteThank you~ Wah pake cat merk apa tuh? Iya nih aku ga terlalu suka warnanya kalo didalam ruangan >___<
DeleteLalaaaaaaa!!! Ini dia yg kupake dan mau kureview gak smpt2 xD
ReplyDeleteBagus bgt niii ak suka buanget. Gk brani coba yg laen tp ya itu ;_; di indo gak ada warna terangnya :'( sedih deh. Tp ak gak semerah itu loh la :o
Huhuuu andai aja ada yg mepet2 ke blonde gt ak mau xD
Lho km juga pake yg ini ta jes? Di kamu kok kayaknya bagus gitu sih?? >o<
DeleteIya ya, di indo emang warna2nya gelap semua ya? ;____;
Nah aku jg heran kok bs merah gitu, tp skrg udah ga terlalu merah kok xD
aku blm prnh coba yg loreal ini la XD
ReplyDeletekapok pake yg cream, gak rata ;__; haha
nyengat di kepala ngga? baunya gmn?
Haha iya ce kalo pake cream sendiri cuma bisa pake feeling doang ya wkwk xD
DeleteBaunya sih lumayan nyengat kayak merk lain, tapi di kepala nggak nyengat sama sekali kok ce ^^
I never dyed my hair, I love my natural color too much, hah XD Your new hair color looks very pretty though. :)
ReplyDeleteThank you dear ^^
DeleteI dye my hair way way too much, so after my recent dye to black, I decided to just let this one stay, but it has started washing out to reveal the blonde I had done before!
ReplyDeleteI'm super interested in trying a light brown colour too, even though I have dark skin.
I really like this shade! I might have to look for it.
Thanks for the review!
Ughh yeah I know exactly how you feel when your new hair color fades out to the old one ;__; Kkk yeah I am searching for the perfect light brown shade now >w< Ohh I think this shade would look good on you ^^
Deletejadi nya bagus la :D
ReplyDeletengga terlalu terang juga
gimana nih tips nya hasilnya bisa rata bangey > <
Tapi warnanya agak terlalu merah yaa >__<
DeleteWaduh itu nggak rata lho, didalemnya ada yg ga kena cat sama sekali wkwk xD
Ya aku makenya dikit2 pake comb applicatornya trs sm dipijet2 kayak lagi keramas gt (pake tangan) ^^
That is a pretty big difference between indoor and outdoor. L'Oreal/Feria has a "Hi-Lift" light brown that's supposed to turn darker hair into light brown without going reddish.
ReplyDeleteYeah I was shocked when I see the difference o_O
DeleteWoah thanks for your info, I want to try it but I think it does not available in my country ugh >_<
Thank you ^^
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I can see that you are an expert at your field! I am launching a website soon, and your information will be very useful for me.. Thanks for all your help and wishing you all the success in your business.
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Interesting info, do you know where I can find similar information?
ReplyDeletezamek-trebic |
Hi i wanted to buy this 6.35 chocolate brown, and i'm afraid that i would look light on my hair, or maybe darker :/
ReplyDeleteWhat is your natural hair color ?
Dulu aku setia banget pakai L'oreal buat ngecat rambut, tapi kini sekarang aku beralih ke yang lebih murah a.k.a Miratone karena ternyata aku cocok wkwkwkw.. L'oreal memang bagus ya mbk