Well, good bye 2013! OMG I just can not believe how fast 2013 has passed! Umm to be honest, nothing special happened to me in 2013, since I have spent more than half of 2013 mostly at home, especially after I graduated from high school last May ugh~
Too many mistakes that I have done.. Yeah I just realized that I have spent a lot of my precious time on useless things, and I really regret it now. Ugh I feel like such a pig because all I ever did was eat, go on the internet, watch k-drama or play game, sleep, and that's it! So.. I promise myself to be a better person in this year, and today I am going to share my new year's resolutions to reach and complete in 2014!
- Be a better person than last year! I will try to be more grateful for everything I have in my life, be more patient, wiser, stronger, work hard, not lazy, be a good daughter, try to understand-forgive-and forget.. err although it may be hard to do.
- Save up my money! I am fine if I can not fully reach my 2014 resolutions, but not this one! I have to save up my money as much as possible for something more useful. Meh I bought too much beauty products that I did not really need, and a lot of things that I would regret later. So, today I will start the self-imposed shopping ban for 2 months.. Err I know it sounds impossible, but okay I will try my best at least for a month la.
- Update my blog more often & reach 1000+ followers! Yeah I admit that I was super lazy this year lol, but I will try to post more beauty reviews, makeup tutorials, and videos as often as possible. Oh I will improve the quality of my photos to be much better! Psst.. I will work hard on learning photography kkk~ And yeah reach 1000 followers on my blog is a such a great achievement for me.
- No laptop / PC!! Err I have spent countless of hours on my laptop all the time, but I still rarely update my blog, is it funny? *blaming myself*. If my internet connection was slower, I would prefer to watch Korean dramas or play Otome games. Yeah I am addicted to play Otome games lately, and I have download a lot of Otome games in my laptop but I still did not have time to play all of them lol.
- Lose weight! This is the first time I want to lose weight in my 18 years old life lol. I used to be a skinny girl when I was in high school, and I eat way too much lately.. Agh I miss my flat tummy, and now I am getting chubbier *sigh*!!
- Eat healthy food, drink more water, and no-fast-food diet! Yeah it is so hard for a food lover like me lol, but I will try to eat more vegetables & fruits, drink more water.. avoid fries, sweets, ice cream, soda, coffee, fried / oily / salty food, and no more junk food! Ugh shame on me, last night I ate 4 McNuggets, a Big Mac, and McFlurry last night on new years eve lol I need to get back on my diet as soon as possible!
- Learn to ride a motorcycle! Okay I am still not sure because I could not even ride a bike, please don't laugh at me, okay? But I really want to ride a motorcycle because I think that is the only convenient way to avoid the traffic jam. Moreover, the location of my soon-to-be-university is quite near to my house.
- Learn how to cook my family's secret recipes! I am not really good at cooking.. But my mom's Indonesian food and my auntie's Chinese food are the best OMG! Even my dad's cooking skill is quite good! That is why I really want to learn my family's secret recipes for my future (?) lol
- Improve my makeup skill! Yeah I am not a pro and I am still learning, so.. sometimes I hesitate to post more makeup tutorials on my blog because I am sure you guys are more expert than me hihi.
- Go to university and make new friends! I just can not wait to go to university in next August, and meet a lot of new friends. Honestly I am quite lonely now, I am telling you the truth.. I did not even have friends to hang out with, because my old friends are always busy. How pathetic I am!
- Go to Korea! Yup this is my biggest dream now! I really want to visit Korea, and I wish I could fulfill this dream sooner or later! *fingers crossed*
- Buy a new phone! Umm actually mine is still in a good condition, but I
needwant to buy a new phone with better phone's camera quality because I think it is easier to take selcas anytime and anywhere, since my DSLR camera is too heavy to carry everywhere lol.
Oh by the way, pardon my chubby face in all the pictures above lol xD
And for the bonus picture, here is the failed picture of fireworks that I took last night in front of my house! Ugh it was really hard for me to get a good picture of the fireworks, and I was like "uhh..ehh..oh.." lol but the fireworks were amazing~!
Okay, that's all!
Thank you so much for reading, and feel free to share your new year's resolutions in the comment section below! ^^
I wish you a wonderful and successful new year, girls~
See ya~ 

hihi manis bgt pake flower crownnya :) met tahun baru ya la ^^ smg wishesmu trkabul :)
ReplyDeleteHehe makasih yaa, happy new year ♥
DeleteHappy New Year! !
ReplyDeleteHappy new year ^^
Deletehappy new year La! :D
ReplyDeletelucuu banget flowers crownnya hihi
aku juga harus ngirit nih, perasaan taun 2013 ga beli apa2 tp duit abis aja lol hahaha
Hehe makasih.. Iya bener, ga kerasa tiba2 duit udah langsung abis ya haha~ Happy new year ♥
Deletehappy new year La ^^
ReplyDeleteaku jg menghabiskan waktu most of the time di depan laptop.. abis kdg mikir klo kluar malah habisin duit aja hahaha >.<
smoga resolusinya bs tercapai ya ^^
Iya bener juga tuh ce, aku jg jarang keluar haha~ Thank you and happy new year ce Rini ♥
DeleteHappy New Year La XD
ReplyDeleteSama aku kdg terlalu byk ngabisin wkt di dpn laptop -.- errr
Iya ce haha kebiasaan buruk ini yaa :P
DeleteAHAHA, I agree about the computer part. ||D
I was obsessed for a point of time and I could not stop playing until I had all the routes and secrets completed and unlocked. My goal is to spend less time on the computer as well. *^*
Happy New Years! <3
Woohoo yeah I totally agree with you! I would be so curious if I could not complete all the routes with different boys lol xD
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