Hello everyone! I am back with a new recipe on my blog! But sorry.. I am not sure if I should continue this cooking segment on my blog or stop, since some of you told me that these recipe posts are not relevant for a beauty blog. Well.. actually I still respect the main concept of this beauty blog, that is why I always share a new recipe only once in a month! But yeah.. I will probably start to share more healthy recipes with low calories next month, since one of my 2014 resolutions is to eat more healthy foods and avoid oily foods lol and I think healthy recipes are still related with beauty, eh?
So.. Goguma Mattang (고구마 맛탕) is the recipe of the month! Goguma Mattang is Korean caramelized sweet potatoes, which is so yummy! I heard it is a typical winter snack in Korea, but I could eat it whenever I want (even in a hot sunny day lol)
And oh, it tastes the best when you eat it immediately while it is still warm.
- 2 Medium sweet potatoes.
- 4 tbsp sugar.
- 2 tbsp water.
- Toasted sesame seeds.
- Oil for deep frying.
Peel the skin of sweet potatoes, and rinse them in cold water.
Soak the sweet potatoes in water for about 10 minutes, dry them with a paper towel,
and cut them into chunks.
Heat up the oil, and deep fry the sweet potatoes for 8 - 10 minutes until completely cooked.
Put them on the paper towel to drain the excess oil.
Add sugar in a pan, heat it up over low heat.
Don't stir it, and wait until the sugar melts..
After the sugar melts, it turns brown like in the photo below~
Add a little bit of water, please be careful because it is quite scary lol. And quickly stir it~
Add the fried sweet potatoes to the pan, and mix them gently~
Sprinkle some sesame seeds on top, you can also use black sesame seeds instead..
And you are done~!
I highly recommend you to eat them immediately while they are still hot. Usually I prefer to dip it into a glass of cold water for a few seconds to cool it down before I eat it lol
If you love sweet potatoes, you should try it! It is so delicious~
So, have you ever tried this Goguma Mattang??
Thanks for reading and have a lovely day ^^
See ya~

Laper la lihatnyaa.
ReplyDeleteAaaah maaau. Manis banget ga sih rasanya? *ngences*
Kalo pake ubi biasa rasanya ga terlalu manis kok hehe ^^
DeleteIt sounds delicious! And so easy too, I'm not that good of a cook so hopefully I can manage this hehe^^
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your recipe~ I think you should definitely keep writing them if you'd like to! It's your blog so post whatever you want hehe(: x
Yup I am sure you can cook it, Emily! It is quite easy to make ^^ Yeah you are totally right.. Thank you so much ♥
DeleteIf you want to do recipes, you should do them! I think they're a fun addition. ^_^
ReplyDeleteYeah you are right! Thanks a lot ^^
DeleteWah kayaknya gak jauh beda ya sama yang dimakan ortuku sehari2 kayak camilan tradisional(lho?) xD
ReplyDeleteWah la.. kalo aku udah di surabaya ajarin masak2 korea gini dong xDD
anw im inviting you to join my giveaway ft Dressale to win gorgeous dresses worth $200!^^
JOIN HERE : http://iamfoodeater.blogspot.com/2013/12/dressale-x-iamfoodeater-christmas.html
Thank you ^^
Wih emang camilan tradisional dari kota mana jess? Haha aku jg gak terlalu pinter masak kok, tapi ayoo kabarin aku kalo km udah di surabaya ya xD
Deletelaaaa, km rajin bangettt..
ReplyDeletekyny aku pernah makan ini :9
Duh aku nggak serajin itu kok ce wkwk :P
DeleteRasa aslinya pasti lebih enak ya, biasanya taburannya pake wijen hitam :3
I liked this recipe a lot in fact I keep the link to make it then, I did get hungry.
ReplyDeleteAww thank you so much! You should try it ^^
DeleteTeruskan bikin recipe blog postnya laaa ^^ aku suka liatnya hihi
ReplyDeletemeski belum sempet dipraktekin langsung :P males masak klo d kos.. dapurnya sempit banget -.-
biasa km dapat inspirasi dari mana aja la? :D
It's your blog, you should post whatever you like! I really enjoy the recipes as I have never had Indonesian or Korean food, I wanna try and make it myself! :D
ReplyDeleteMy dad makes this wit meat allll the time! *^* It's so good. <3
ReplyDeleteI'll try it with yams next time! I wonder if you could make caramel apple crisps like this.
Thank you for sharing!
Please keep posting recipes! I love them!
ReplyDeletethis looks so awesome!!!!
A Beautiful Zen
aku suka ubi XD tapi biasanya sukanya dibikin rujak sih. lol
ReplyDeletedibikin kayak gitu kayaknya enak ya. :D
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