Hello everyone~
Do you still remember the last eye treatment, called Eye Revitalizing Peel that I did at Miracle Aesthetic Clinic on last May? Just click HERE if you have not read it!
So, they also gave me this TDF Eye Radiance Serum (Age Defense System) which they claimed to help me get the maximum result after the treatment. And now let me share my review of this product to all of you!
So, 'TDF' stands for Therapeutic Dermatologic Formula. They are a reputable brand in the field of dermatological skincare, and well recognized by a lot of skin specialists in Indonesia, Singapore, Hongkong, Malaysia, etc. And in Indonesia, some of their products are available at Miracle Aesthetic Clinics!
As you can see.. this product comes in a sturdy white box, which is very simple and looks kinda boring! And you can check the description, directions, caution, and ingredients of this product on the box.
This product comes in a white plastic bottle with a snap-up cap, it is very sturdy and travel friendly. But I really hate the fact that I could not check and I have no idea how much product I have left inside the bottle, because the bottle itself is opaque ugh!
It contains 15 ml of the product inside, and the price of this product is IDR 680.000 or around $60. Err yeah it is quite pricey for a student like me! >__<
The bottle has a pump, which is a plus point for me because it is more hygienic and it is so convenient for me to control the amount of product that I need.
It has a thick gel consistency, and the color of the gel is yellow. Actually it has a very subtle scent and it smells quite weird, like a combination of herbs with hot metal and a hint of barbequed meat (?) Duh what am I talking about?! Haha sorry I could not describe it very well.. But fortunately, now I am getting used to this scent lol.
I usually apply this product on the area around my eyes by patting it gently to help this product absorb into my skin. And oh, a little of this product goes a long way, and err it feels a little bit sticky on me if I accidentally applied too much!
So, I have been using this product for nearly 2 months. Umm honestly, I use this product only at night before I sleep for the first 2 weeks, and sometimes I skipped to use it if I was too lazy lol. But in the third week, I decided to use it properly - until now, and I use it twice a day in the morning and night.
Actually the dark circles under my eyes are quite bad lately because of lack of sleep, I do not know why but I stay up all night and sleep only for 4 to 6 hours, since I moved into my new bedroom on the second floor last month lol. And as you can see.. my dark circles are still there, and I think they look just slightlyyy less noticeable, but sadly it does not work that much ugh.
Sometimes I wake up with puffy eyes in the morning, but I did not see much of a difference about the puffiness after I use this product. And sorry I can not comment about the fine line and eye bag parts, because fortunately I do not have noticeable eye bags and fine lines lol.
And I have oily eyelids, but this product quite helps to make them less oily. And the area around my eyes also feels softer and less dry.. Oh yeah, I think this moisturizing part is the one and only noticeable effect on me!
Unfortunately, I did not see any significant results and yeah this product does not meet my high expectation, especially since it is quite pricey! But I think it is impossible to get an instant effect, right? That is why it is very hard to get rid of under-eye problems ugh! However, I will continue to use this product until I find the better one lol.
Miracle Aesthetic Clinic :
Thanks for reading this post, and have a lovely day!
See ya~ 

Wkwkwk iya susah nih dark circle bandel bangettt la T____T
ReplyDeletehasilnya gak terlalu keliatan ya :( padahal udah 2 bulan lamanya u,u
ReplyDeletenice review ^^
Uh, harganya itu mahal banget. Hmm, kalo mau merawat kulit dengan baik, tidak hanya perawatan dari luar juga. Pola tidur yang cukup juga membantu merawat kulit kita. Misalnya kayak aku, Walau udah pakein obat jerawat/perawatan rutin, jerawat tetep aja nongol akibat suka begadang.
huhuwww dark circle emg masalah yaa.. :(
ReplyDeleteak jg punya meskipun pakai concealer tetep aja keliatan..jd menganggu.. yg mujarab cuma istirahat cukup.. haha
Ngilangin dark circle emang gak bisa instan ya... huhuhu T-T
ReplyDeleteInteresting! Anything that makes my dark circles look smaller is marvelous for me! :D
ReplyDeleteI don't see this brand selling here. :(
ReplyDeleteNgilangin dark circles emang susah ya, udah nyoba berbagai produk pun hasilnya nggak begitu signifikan. tapi akhir-akhir ini setelah aku pake pure olive oil bisa bantu kurangin dikit" dark circlenya lho. btw, thanks for review ^^
ReplyDeleteI have dark circles too, but they're because of my allergies and not lack of sleep so I've come to accept that I'll never be able to get rid of them. I like the packaging of this product! It looks quite sleek and expensive. I tend to prefer serums over creams for my eyes.
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I have dark circles too, bagi yang suka begadang mah dark circle itu gak bisa dihindari lah kaya aku :D
ReplyDeletecukup penasaran sih sama produk ini, pengen nyoba tapi mahal bangett ya... :-(
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