Hello everyone! Today I am going to share my recent beauty haul to all of you, and actually this is my second purchase from Althea Korea. For those of you who haven't read my old post about my first Althea haul, you can still do so by clicking HERE. Well, I am sure most of you guys - especially if you live in Southeast Asia region - might have already heard, seen, or.. even shopped personally at Althea, right? right?? :)
So for my second purchase, I received my parcel on my doorstep within 10 days (including the weekend) straight from South Korea, which is quite fast in my opinion - especially during the holiday season.. and once again, I didn't have to deal with the Indonesian customs yayy!
As you guys can see, instead of their normal pink box, my parcel came in their limited edition special Christmas box, and the design is super duper cute OMG! It's such a lovely baby-blue color, right? And oh, I also got the holiday greeting cards inside the box.
And without further ado, here are the products that I picked out using their new mobile app :
- Milky Dress Take Care Face Mist - IDR. 87,000.
- Milky Dress Wrinkle and Whitening Eye Cream - IDR. 57,000.
- Elizavecca MilkyPiggy Hell-Pore Clean Up Mask - IDR. 140,000.
- Abbamart Believe It Powder Pact - IDR. 153,500.
- Holika Holika Wonder Drawing Finish Browcara [Natural Brown] - IDR. 65,700.
- COC Momo Waterproof Gel Eyeliner [Dark Brown] - IDR. 55,700.
- It's My Perfume Hand Cream [Deep Romance] - IDR. 28,000.
- Innisfree Capsule Recipe Pack [Seaweed] - IDR. 24,510.
- Pure Smile Juicy Point Pads [Kiwi] - IDR. 11,400.
I got nine products yay! Most of the products that I picked out from Althea were new to me, and I haven't tried any of these products before - umm oh, except the browcara and the capsule pack LOL. I will try to review all the products on my blog as soon as I can, so please stay tuned!
And by the way, Althea Korea have launched their long-awaited mobile application in last December for all the costumers in Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and Philippines. And of course the app is free to download, available on both iOS and Android systems. The app is specifically designed to be fast, simple and easy to navigate.
Jadi sejak akhir tahun lalu, websitenya Althea di blokir dan nggak bisa di akses nih di Indonesia gara-gara masalah BPOM, nyebelin banget kan jadi nggak bisa belanja produk kecantikan Korea. Nah, tapi untungnya Althea ngeluncurin mobile app yang praktis dan gampang banget digunakan! Bisa kalian download di App Store dan Google Play Store.
Kalau kalian udah pernah sign up melalui web sebelumnya, tinggal click 'Masuk' aja, ntar tinggal ketik email sama password. Tapi kalau misalnya belum, click di 'Daftar Sekarang', dan kalian juga bisa daftar pake account Facebook atau Google+ lho.
Gambar kanan atas adalah tampilan utama (home) dari app nya, disana kalian bisa nemuin promo menarik yang sedang berlangsung pada saat itu.. bisa berupa free gift, diskon, dll.
Click 'Cari' di home bagian bawah, dan kalian bisa mencari berdasarkan kategori jenis produk, penjualan terbanyak, yang paling banyak dilihat, atau kalian juga bisa mengetik keyword nya sendiri.
Nih contohnya aku click berdasarkan kategori 'Makeup', disana bakal terbagi lagi menjadi Face Makeup, Eye Makeup, Lip Makeup, dan Makeup Tools. Kalian juga bisa menyaring produk berdasarkan range harga tertentu sesuai budget kalian.
Contohnya ini aku click bagian Lip Makeup > Tint, otomatis yang muncul hanya akan ada produk lip tint saja dari berbagai merk.. tenang, nggak bakalan foto mantan kalian yang muncul kok *oops*.
Kalian juga bisa melihat keterangan info dan gambar dari suatu produk dengan click 'Lihat Lebih Terperinci', jadi nggak perlu repot-repot googling lagi deh. Dan kalau udah oke, tinggal click 'Tambahkan ke Tas' untuk membeli produk itu.
Kalau udah kebeli semua, tinggal click gambar keranjang belanja di pojok kanan atas. Pastikan semuanya udah sesuai keinginan dan kebutuhan, jangan ada produk yang ketinggalan ya. Kalau produknya emang lagi ada diskon harganya bakal otomatis kepotong kok. Btw, kalian bisa dapet free ongkir dari negara yang penuh para oppa ganteng ke depan pager pintu rumah kalian hanya dengan total pesanan minimal IDR. 299,999 lho! Murah banget kan?
Setelah kalian click 'Keluar' untuk check out, ntar bakal muncul alamat pengiriman, kode kupon (kalau ada), dan pilihan metode pembayaran. Untuk metode pembayaran, aku udah pernah nyobain via bank transfer (ke Bank Permata) dan Doku Wallet. Aku pribadi sih nyaranin pake Doku Wallet, suer deh gampang banget gak pake rempong, tinggal datengin gerai Alfa terdekat dari rumah kalian, datengin mas/mbak kasirnya, tinggal
Gimana? Gimana? Gampang banget toh? Yuk cus buruan download app nya sekarang, but I am warning you, tiati kalap yaaaaa, resiko kanker dompet ditanggung sendiri-sendiri LOL.
Well, although there was a small problem with the payment at that time - I guess it was because I ordered it using free credits, but yeah I still enjoyed my shopping experience using Althea's mobile app, because it's easy and convenient to use, and very user-friendly as well! Umm I am pretty sure now they have been fixing all the bugs and errors in their app.. So I will definitely re-order soon, but with my own money hehe.
And yes, I highly suggest you to download the app! :)
Just for your information, this parcel was sent to me as a collaboration between Surabaya Beauty Bloggers with Althea Korea in celebration of the launch of Althea's mobile app ♥
Thanks for reading, and have a lovely day :)
See ya~

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