Friday, March 29, 2013

Review: Geo Bambi Princess Mimi Sesame Grey

Hello everyone!

Well, I really love Geo Bambi Princess Mimi in Almond Brown after I tried them some time ago. So, I've been very excited to try the Sesame Grey version. Big thanks to Pinky Paradise for sponsoring me these lenses! Okay.. Actually I got these lenses last month, but sorry I delayed this review because of exams. Hope you understand ^^

So yeah, these are the super famous circle lenses that were designed and promoted by Tsubasa Masuwaka~ ( ̄∀ ̄)

Power Range: 0.00 to -8.00
Diameter: 15.0 mm
Base Curve: 8.7 mm
Water Content: 38 %
Duration: 1 year disposable

Honestly this is the first time for me to try 15mm lenses, because I usually wear
14mm - 14,5mm lenses, but I didn't really feel the difference lol (≧▽≦)

Btw, I also got a super cute animal lens case and Dariya hair pad from them~
Thank you so much! 

As you can see, the pattern is very unique because it has 3 tone colors, light grey with a bit of light brown in the center of the lens and a black limbal ring around the lens as well. So pretty~ Of course, it gave me an obvious dolly-eye effect without making me look like an alien lol (≧▽≦)

Here are some pics of my eyes for comparison~

But somehow it looks more blue-ish than grey on my eyes, right? And unfortunately this lens isn't as opaque as Tsubasa's promo pic. Completely different! (≧д≦)
I was a little bit disappointed, but it's okay la.. since it doesn't look scary, though I didn't wear eye-makeup at all~

These lenses are also very comfortable on my eyes, I could wear them for
about 7 - 8 hours without feeling dry at all! Awesome!! ( ̄∀ ̄)
But I think brown / black lenses looks more natural and more suitable for me than grey lenses. I mean, I looks more cute with dark eyes, huh? lol *slapped (≧▽≦)

Overall rating :

Design: 星星星

Color: 星星

Enlargement: 星星星星星

Comfort: 星星星星星

And here are my other selcas (taken with my phone)~ 

Are you interested to try these lenses? PURCHASE HERE!
And don't forget to use my coupon code adekumalaputri to get a free animal lens case and a mystery gift from Pinky Paradise!

Thanks for reading, and have a lovely day girls ^^

P.S : Happy Good Friday!!

See ya~ 


Disclaimer: These lenses were sent to me by , but I'm not being paid to do this review. This review is 100% pure of my opinion!


  1. you look so pretty on them ^_~

  2. Im in love with grey lenses ♥ these look so nice in pics~ enlargement looks just right on you :)

    1. Then you should try these lenses too~ They're not too bad, especially for grey lenses lovers ^^

  3. wuuua,like banget warnanya...soft soft cute gt >w<

    btw,new follower here ^^ mind to follow me back?

    1. iya tapi entah kenapa aku kok gak terlalu suka sama warna abu-abu nya yaaa *slapped~ lol tapi warnanya ini natural banget kok XD

      okay, I'll check your blog later ^^

  4. These lenses are super cute!! ♥

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